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Giving Notice for Delays

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There’s a book on the shelf in my home office that I love to pull down every few months because it contains such great advice for construction projects. The title of the book, Sweet on Construction Law, might seem a little quirky until you realize that the author’s name is Justin Sweet. The book was first published in 1997, which is when I bought my copy. Mr. Sweet joined the Berkeley Law faculty in 1958 and taught there until the early 1990s. Interestingly, his bio on the Berkeley Law website fails to mention this book. What a shame. If you can find a copy you owe yourself to read this book.

And how can you not like a law professor who despises most footnotes and considers legal writing…”turgid, ponderous, and plain old ‘dull'”? Most of us never pick up another textbook after university, but this book reads more like a non-fiction novel. It strives to engage the reader, not pontificate.

One particular gem in this book is his interpretation of notice provisions. Mr. Sweet tells a story of how the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) wanted to overturn a California Supreme Court decision that basically invalidated all notice provisions. I presume this was in the 1960s as Mr. Sweet describes his involvement as being “over thirty years ago” when he wrote this book.

CALTRANS  approached Mr. Sweet because he had written a journal article criticizing the court’s decision. At this point you might be thinking – if you are a contractor – that Mr. Sweet is the devil himself. I have yet to meet a contractor who doesn’t loath notice provisions. But hang on to your pitch forks for just a moment.

Mr. Sweet was intrigued by the language of a proposed bill that would allow notice provisions as long as they were reasonable. The bill was being carried by an assemblyman on behalf of CALTRANS. But because CALTRANS was not well-liked by the legislature, the assemblyman disguised the bill as being his initiative. Mr. Sweet was asked by CALTRANS to testify in support of the bill, which he did. It passed and is now part of the Public Contract Code.

In most situations the courts have little interest in deciding was is reasonable within a contractual relationship. Two parties can agree to almost anything as long as it is not illegal. During my 40 years in the construction industry I have been perplexed as to why some of my clients signed “those” contracts. Were they naive, or perhaps cunning? Is it possible the contractor sees something in that contract he can exploit to his advantage?

Nevertheless, Mr. Sweet recognized that sometimes one party has the upper hand. Using CALTRANS as an example, if a highway or bridge contractor wants to perform work in California he doesn’t have much choice but to accept contractual language dictated by CALTRANS. Therefore, as long as all construction contracts (public and private) contain reasonable notice provisions, everyone is being treated fairly.

Let us focus on just time extensions. A contractor should be entitled to a time extension when the delay is obvious to the owner. I have negotiated many time extensions with nothing more than a handshake. Delay fragnet? Time Impact Analysis? Forensic Analysis? Nope, nope, and nope. Now, clearly the CPM schedule plays a part because it identifies critical versus non-critical work for all parties to see. If we all agree that an excusable delay is holding up a critical activity what revelation do we expect from a computer?

A few years ago I testified on behalf of a contractor suing CALTRANS. The “expert” retained by CALTRANS (actually, just one of their field engineers) argued that since CALTRANS never reviewed the CPM Schedules they could choose which activities were on the critical path. Not surprisingly, none of the critical activities that I identified as having been delayed by CALTRANS were on the mythical critical path imagined by CALTRANS. The Dispute Resolution Board – which included a former CALTRANS employee – ruled entirely in our favor. It was the dumbest response to a lawsuit I have ever seen.

Okay, there was one other situation, in Albany, NY. My client had remodeled a high school. Remodeling projects are notorious for hidden conditions and this was no exception. I prepared an appropriate delay analysis. The school district went cheap and demanded that the architect be their expert on all matters. The architect was still owed a lot of money by the school district and perhaps for this reason showed about as much interest in my analysis as a teenager. During my testimony he mostly stared at his hands and never asked a single question. My client won big.

Returning to notice provisions, nearly all contracts I have reviewed during my career include a time limit for giving notice – typically less than three days after the event. But a twist on the typical notice provision that I reviewed recently states that the contractor can only request time for the days that follow the date of notification. Seems pretty stingy to me to deny a contractor the first few days of a legitimate delay unless there is some action the owner could have taken the rectify the delay immediately.

What about an ongoing delay? Should the contractor continue to give notice each and every day? Possibly, depending on the specific contract language. In any case, when Mr. Sweet wrote his book email was not a primary means of communication. The consulting firm I worked for had one email account in 1997 for the entire office. Hard for anyone under the age of 50 to imagine that. But clearly with email it becomes pretty simple to keep firing off delay notices.

Mr. Sweet proposed in his book that contracts for small projects (under $500,000) dispense with notice provisions altogether. In his opinion all the various notices a contractor is required to provide per the contract become rather onerous on small projects. And small contractors are not as adept at navigating all the pitfalls of the typical construction contract. Makes sense to me. Consider that CALTRANS has more stringent scheduling specifications for large projects than small projects.

Regardless, Mr. Sweet noted that courts are still inclined to accept claims for time extensions even when the notice provisions are not strictly adhered to as long as the delay was obvious to the owner. Oral communications are often acceptable if they are followed up in wofriting. Again, email makes it much easier to say “I told you so.” Moreover, if the contractor is required to submit daily reports to the owner, and the daily reports mention delays, then surely the owner has been notified.

I have heard the argument that strict compliance with notice provisions by the contractor can be a bad thing. The reasoning is that the contractor is acknowledging his responsibility to give timely notice, so the first time he fails to do so he is acutely aware of his mistake. I like this approach given how hard it is to always be in compliance on any project. Minor infractions should not result in a legitimate time extension being denied. Contractors are hardly the only ones who are imperfect. Change orders are often corrections to the contract documents.

At the same time, I dislike seeing “TBD” listed on change orders next to the requested time. How is the owner supposed to interpret an unspecified request? Will the contractor make a subsequent request not just for time but also for time-related damages? The owner might also decide to forgo extra work if it will delay the project. Conversely, the contractor needs to know whether the project end date will be extended to avoid unnecessary acceleration costs. “To Be Determined” leaves everyone in the lurch.

Thoughts? Fee free to email me.

My wife and I have a vacation home in Truckee, California. Whenever we are up there we get together with a couple who have a second home just two doors down from ours. During our last visit we met the wife's charming mother for the first time. After several hours of pleasantries she asked me a slightly odd question:

Primavera Scheduling

"Are you a professor?"

"No", I replied. "But I do teach scheduling and software classes."

She went on to explain that she thought I spoke very clearly and explained my thoughts in a logical, concise manner. So her comment about my being a professor was certainly meant as a compliment. She was not a native English speaker, and she complained that her son-in-law speaks much too quickly. On the other hand, I had no trouble understanding her at all. 

And it occurred to me that learning a language is a lot like learning how to schedule projects or to use scheduling software. 

Most of us who have tried to learn another language have been exposed to those classes where you put on a pair of headsets and repeat various phrases in the new language like, "that is a very big fish!"

Which is only helpful if you happen to encounter someone holding a large fish. 

Okay, so these classes do teach more useful phrases and even I have managed to order hot chocolate in Rome without feeling like a complete dolt. Tourist, yes. Idiot? As they say in Italian, "no".

Still, there is nothing that quite prepares you for going to another country and trying to strike up a conversation with a local. You have no control over what they are going to say. The answer is not in your handy phrase book. They may also speak with a dialect that is unfamiliar. What you learn has to have a practical application to your situation.

One of the criticisms of many engineering programs at universities is that students spend their first three years learning theory without any explanation as to why and how they will be applying this knowledge in the real world. I switched majors from Civil Engineering to Construction Science because of my own doubt about how I would use my degree. Differential equations seemed irrelevant to someone planning to take over the family construction company.

The dilemma for a university professor, however, is that students are incapable of providing much feedback other than demonstrating their retention of knowledge. It is not like one of the students is going to say, "I am planning to build clean water facilities in remote locations with no power grid, so what are the best practices?" The professor teaches a standard curriculum which should cover "all the bases", so to speak, and the students do not know enough to ask questions.

When I teach scheduling and Primavera P6 classes, however, nearly all of my "students" are professionals who have several years of experience and who also have particular expectations. They are all about "what can Primavera P6 do for me?" This is why Oracle refers to its partners like ours as "solution providers". Anyone who has used Primavera P6 knows that it is very powerful. But different companies and different industries have their own unique demands.

Case in point. During a recent private training session for a major company we discussed several issues. There are short, turnaround, projects that are over very quickly and for this reason the duration format is hours, meaning the activity durations are expressed in hours. But the construction projects take much longer, so the preferred duration format is days. So within the same company not all schedules are built the same way.

Pro Tip: it matters to the instructor whether the student will be sharing a database with other users. The Administrator of the program has control over certain parameters such as Earned Value, which means that all users are subject to the same conditions.

We also discussed how the turnaround projects use "pull-planning" to establish the optimal dates for each activity, the construction projects follow a more traditional Critical Path Method schedule whereby some activities have float. With pull-planning you are essentially looking at only the "late" dates in a CPM schedule; finishing early is not a goal or even desirable.

What about resources? In this case, the company does track labor and equipment (what P6 labels as "nonlabor") but does not cost-load its schedules. I often warn my clients that when discussing resources, output determines input. What type of reports and charts do you expect P6 to produce? Do you track individuals or crews? Will actual hours or costs be inputted? This particular company also plans to integrate P6 with another planning program, which affects how the schedule should be built inside P6.

The fact is, none of my private group training classes are "typical". My clients are sophisticated companies that have been planning and scheduling for years. But they might be switching over to P6 or looking for "best practices" when using P6. It is pretty common for someone with P6 experience to say to me, "P6 can also do that?" Well, when you use P6 nearly every day of the year you do tend to learn a few tricks. It also helps to be an Oracle partner with unlimited access to Oracle engineers.

While I do occasionally have people in my classes who are quite new to scheduling, I am otherwise not some university professor pouring knowledge into somewhat empty vessels. And in private group classes we have the opportunity to discuss corporate preferences as well as my own. This is where videos alone are not the best form of training. Besides not being able to ask questions, there is no collaboration between instructor and pupil. 

Ultimately, just learning how to use a software program is not enough. Anyone with P6 experience can tell you what a button does when you push it. Whether you should be pushing the button at all is harder to learn without the guidance of someone who has practical experience with the program. Any amateur can create some videos and proclaim themselves an "expert" on P6, but those of us who do this full-time are not fooled.

Our firm does offer On Demand (i.e. video) training, but we back this up with live online and in-person training sessions. In addition, we also offer private (custom) training to anyone who wants to take their knowledge of scheduling and P6 to the next level. Why sit through a regular training session when you can focus on your needs with one of the most experienced schedulers in the United States?

I have great respect for universities, having a Masters degree myself, and I studied the Critical Path Method of scheduling during my undergraduate days at Kansas State University. I learned the practical side of CPM scheduling, however, working alongside experienced schedulers. It occurred to me, for example, that no one explained how to properly update a schedule at university. Other schedulers showed me what to do.

And now I would like to pass along that knowledge to you!

What Dollar General Tells Us About Planning

Categories: Critical Path, Planning, Total Float
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Those of you living in the United States are probably familiar with Dollar General stores. Mostly found in small towns, Dollar General stores sell a wide-variety of lower-priced items. But there is big money in this market. Dollar General currently has 14,000 stores pulling in $22 Billion a year. The CEO of Dollar General, John Vasos, received a lot of press recently on comments he made to the Wall Street Journal that caught my attention as well.

Most commentators seized upon Mr. Vasos’ comments that the U.S. economy was creating more of what they consider to be their core customer – someone making less than $40,000 a year. Dollar General is planning to build thousands of new stores and is moving into metropolitan areas that were not previously identified as their demographic (i.e. the arrive of a Dollar General store in some communities could be considered a backhanded compliment.)

There has certainly been a lot of debate in this country about the percentage of Americans who are unemployed or underemployed (working fewer hours than desired) and how to solve this problem. The disappearance of good paying manufacturing jobs has resulted in many individuals working somewhere else, but for a lot less money. The new job is also far less likely to offer a pension.

Dollar General and other similar “dollar” stores thrive by selling small quantities of items to lower-income households at prices they can afford. These households do not buy in bulk even though it would result in savings. Hence, they are more likely to run out of something and need a replacement quickly. I can buy a 32-pack of bottled water for about the price of three individual bottles at my favorite store so clearly buying in bulk makes a big difference.

But here is the quote by Mr. Vasos that really caught my attention. He was describing Dollar General’s typical customer:

“Doesn’t look at her pantry or her refrigerator and say, ‘You know, I’m going to be out of ketchup in the next few days. I’m going to order a few bottles.’ The core customer uses the last bit of ketchup at the table the night prior, and either on her way to work or on her way home picks up one bottle.”

In other words, the typical Dollar General customer is not a planner. They wait until they are out of something before they buy more. They overpay without thinking. This is not how we manage projects. We do not (CAN NOT) let ourselves run out of resources needed to complete a project. That would be an inexcusable delay. We figure out what we need and make sure sufficient quantities are on hand when it is needed.

The critical path of the project in particular is a difficult taskmaster. We must complete the amount of work we planned each and every work day. It is not good enough to complete tasks totaling 19 days during a 20-day work period. That puts us one day behind schedule. The critical path keeps us honest. I see a lot of arguments at the end of the month when the final tally is taken. “But we did so much work this month”, they will invariably say. “Not enough”, I will reply.

It takes a different mentality to be a planner. We have deadlines based on expectations of quality and scope of work. A bad plan leaves us uncertain as to where we should be at any given time. Every day is a deadline of sorts, because what we did not finish today becomes something else that must happen tomorrow. Granted, we have some leeway with non-critical activities but a recurring problem that I see on many projects is that the amount of float on a secondary task is exaggerated, thereby diminishing its importance. We reap what we schedule.

Planning is all about opportunity. We have many options during the planning stage. Some options are more attractive or feasible, and hopefully the least-expensive option generates the best result. But it can certainly be more complicated than that. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) utilizes an “A + B” approach on larger projects: each bidder must specify a contract duration and a price. Both numbers are considered when awarding projects. Caltrans’ experience is that A + B bids result in lower prices and fewer road usage delays.

The longer we wait to make decisions the fewer options that remain. Projects finish on time because we monitor our progress on a regular basis and implement mitigation strategies whenever slippage does occur. We do not use up float for bad reasons but rather to give ourselves flexibility. We do not allow ourselves to run out of ketchup.

Why Make Open-Ended Activities Critical?

Categories: Constraints, Critical Path, P6 EPPM, P6 Professional, P6 Tricks, Schedule Options
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Primavera P6 Professional is obviously a very powerful scheduling program so naturally some of its features exceed the needs of the typical project. I have consulted on projects that span as little as 35 hours to as many as 50 years. Different industries have unique requirements for their schedules as well. Primavera P6 is designed to handle a wide variety of projects. Today I would like to address my reasons for using a feature in Primavera P6 that is rarely used by the typical scheduler: Make Open-Ended Activities Critical. You will find this feature under Schedule Options (Tools > Schedule > Options).

The concept of making open-ended activities critical was introduced many years ago in Primavera P3. And for the longest time I dismissed it as a quirky feature surely not applicable to me. After all, why would I promote an activity to critical status solely because it is missing a successor? That seems akin to me declaring myself the winner of a contest that no one else entered.

Some of my colleagues back in the 1980s figured it was an en easy way to identify activities that should not be critical. Okay, that seems backwards, but the idea was that if some task showed up as critical that did not seem “right” the scheduler would investigate further. But Primavera P3 had a report similar to what we call the Schedule Log in Primavera P6 that was a more definitive (and easier) way of identifying open ends in the schedule. With this in mind, making activities that are missing a successor critical did not seem like the best approach to finding open ends.

I started my scheduling career working solely on construction projects so my viewpoints towards Primavera P3 were based on a single industry. Years later, when I began consulting on a wide-variety of projects I realized another purpose for Make Open-Ended Activities Critical. For example, let’s say I am a manufacturer trying to track progress on several production lines. I would like each production line to have its own critical path, or what Primavera P6 refers to as Longest Path. But this would entail making each production line a separate schedule.

It would be a lot easier to track progress, however, if I incorporated all of the production lines into one schedule. That way I would not have to keep opening up another schedule to track progress. And P3 only allowed four schedules to be opened simultaneously. (Some of you P3 users undoubtedly remember the master and sub-project concept from P3 which was another alternative to what I am describing). But how could each production line have its own critical path without creating separate projects?

Yep. Make Open-Ended Activities Critical. See, by not linking the production lines to each other they would all have an open end at the end of their sequence. So every production line now has critical activities. The float values are not based on the longest of all the production lines. Each production line has activities with zero Total Float. Problem solved!

The concept I just described works the same in Primavera P6 as in Primavera P3. You might be thinking that each production line could have a constraint on the final activity to create zero Total Float and then link the final activity in each production line to some final milestone. Yes, that will work too, smarty pants! It also means that additional open ends do not need to be introduced into the schedule.

Another reason for Make Open-Ended Activities Critical is relevant to projects in any industry. One of my clients currently expects his project to finish early. Owners often don’t allow the original plan to show an early completion date because it might become the basis of a claim (“I planned to finish early and you stopped me”). In this situation the owner allowed early completion. So my client inserted two finish milestones in his schedule: “Projected Finish” and “Final Completion”. The latter milestone matched the contractual finish date.

The “Projected Finish” milestone had no constraint since the date could obviously slip without any ramifications. The “Final Completion” milestone had a Finish On constraint (Mandatory Finish also works) so the date could not move at all. But as you might have guessed, this meant that only the “Final Completion” activity appeared as critical in the schedule. The earlier milestone and all of the activities linked to it (directly or indirectly) carried Total Float values based on the later milestone.

A critical path consisting of just one (the last) activity) would obviously be acceptable to no one. But the solution was quite clear to me. While my client had linked the “Projected Finish” milestone to the “Final Completion” milestone (to avoid unnecessary open ends) we need the “Projected Finish” milestone to have no successor. Then, by choosing Make Open-Ended Activities Critical in the Schedule Options the Longest Path of activities leading up to “Final Completion” all had zero Total Float. Bingo.

Below is how the schedule looked with “Projected Finish” linked to “Contractual Finish”. Not having open ends means there is no logical critical path. Also, the “Projected Finish” milestone is a non-driving predecessor to the “Contractual Finish” milestone, as evidenced by the dotted relationship line:

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By deleting the relationship between “Projected Completion” and “Final Completion” and choosing to Make Open-Ended Activities Critical under Schedule Options, the activities leading up to “Projected Completion” are now critical:

Make Open-Ended Activities Critical is not always a necessary feature, but as you can see, it certainly does have a purpose.


Primavera SchedulingPigeons mystified Charles Darwin. He mentions them in the very first chapter of On the Origin of Species:

“The diversity of breeds of pigeons is truly astonishing. If one compares the English Messenger with the short-faced Culbutant, one is struck by the enormous difference of their beak, resulting in corresponding differences in the skull.”

There are as many species of pigeons as there are of dogs or cats. But today we are focusing on carrier pigeons and their cousins, homing pigeons. And what a noble history! Noah was the first to recognize a pigeon’s ability to carry a message. The Romans used pigeons to transmit the results of chariot races. Genghis Kahn and Charlemagne relied upon pigeons to carry messages to troops, as did the French in the Vietnam War.

Even today, pigeons are used to carry blood samples in remote parts of England and France. Not surprisingly, pigeons have also been dragged into nefarious duties. Drug traffickers in Afghanistan and Pakistan have utilized flocks of pigeons to deliver heroin, each one carrying 10 grams.

But let’s be honest. If rats could fly we might have used them instead. Pigeons deliver a message – right or wrong – from one party to another. They don’t (can’t) read the message or vouch for its accuracy.

Don’t be a pigeon. Too many schedulers are simply delivering information that is incorrect or incomplete. They fail to consider whether the current critical path makes sense, ignore activities that clearly should have had progress by now, and fail to analyze the potential impact of unforeseen events.

Not all information can be easily verified, of course. Unless the scheduler is posted to the field he or she can not independently verify actual dates, installed quantities, percent completes and the like. Still, there are times when the reported progress makes little sense, like my client who said he had started plumbing fixtures on the third floor of the building at a time when the structural steel to the second floor was being erected (he was taking credit for plumbing fixtures that had been delivered to the jobsite, but we had a procurement activity for that scenario).

That story involving the plumbing fixtures happened more than 25 years ago. Schedulers have long memories! More recently, I have been reviewing schedules on a 34-story apartment tower in the midwest for the owner. Ironically, plumbing is once again the issue.

A couple of months ago, installation of water heaters on nearly every floor showed up on the critical path. And with one week scheduled for installation per floor, we had water heaters occupying about seven months of the remaining critical path.

I understood how the water heaters wound up on the critical path. The contractor had added activity relationships between water heaters on each floor – something we were calling “crew restraints” way back in the early 1980s.

Here is the funny part. When I filed my report with the owner, the contractor accused me of modifying his schedule update! He had no idea these crew restraints existed or why they had been added. The reality is that the crew restraints had always been in the schedule but due to better progress on other paths, this water heater path had now been exposed.

If you are wondering why water heaters were such a concern, the fact is that most of the interior work (drywall, painting, etc.) had similar crew restraints. But only the water heaters assumed one floor at a time. I have no idea why. It is clearly a very conservative assumption, and as many of you who read my blog on a regular basis already know, I prefer The Schedule That Can be Beat.

Nevertheless, this project is behind schedule and letting the water heaters control the project completion date is not acceptable. Yet this trend continued for another month. Finally, the contractor revised the logic so that water heaters overlapped on some floors. The critical path is now starting to make a lot more sense.

That’s just it. A good scheduler should know what belongs on the critical path. Even when I am still building the baseline schedule I have an idea of what will be critical. During the monthly updates I believe I know what should be critical as well if my logic is still valid and the contractor makes sufficient progress.

Submittals tend to be ignored by the contractor because so many of them have large float values. Whenever a submittal pops up on the critical path after I make a preliminary run of the monthly update I get very suspicious. Most of the time, the contractor’s memory improves dramatically when I tell him a submittal is on the critical path (“oh yeah, we submitted those shop drawings weeks ago!”).

Schedulers cannot afford to be gullible. People gives us bad data all the time and expect a good result. Not going to happen! The guy who told me he was 75 percent complete last month will report that he is 60 percent complete this month. Which number is the truth? The reality is that we tend to get better information on the most critical activities because everyone more or less understands what “critical” means (fingers crossed).

So how do we avoid becoming pigeons? Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Never publish a schedule until the draft version has been reviewed by the project stakeholders. We do not want someone coming back and saying the logic is wrong, the durations are a fantasy, etc. after the schedule has been submitted to the owner.
  2. Use Activity Steps on complex tasks to make it easier to report progress. I think Activity Steps are one of the best features in Primavera P6 ignored by most casual users.
  3. “Gut check” the critical path. Even if the critical path seems acceptable to other project stakeholders, they are probably not scheduling experts and they certainly do not understand the details of the schedule nearly as well.
  4. Always use Retained Logic as the scheduling method in Primavera P6 for activities with progress. Nothing keeps you, and everyone else, honest like being confronted with out-of-sequence work.
  5. Avoid unnecessary logic changes. If the project is not going according to plan, why? If the owner is causing work to be performed out-of-sequence we need to preserve the logic to show the delay. But if the contractor has simply changed his mind, by all means modify the logic to keep it realistic.
  6. Educate yourself. If scheduling is not something you really understand, you need training or guidance. I studied CPM in college, but I really did not know how to apply it correctly until I started working side-by-side with professional schedulers.

There you have it. Spread your wings and fly! Okay, so perhaps that is not really the best metaphor.